Kuala Krai-Gua Musang

Kuala Krai-Gua Musang
Brought to you by Brighton Education Group www.brightoneducation.org

Monday, 14 September 2015

The Kuala Krai District Mini Frog Summit

FROG Summit, SK. Sungai Embak
Recently, teachers from over 41 schools in the Kuala Krai District, attended a Frog VLE Summit, with Muhammed Fitri from Frog Asia, The aim of this mini summit was to introduce the teachers to the Frog VLE system, and share with them how to use Frog VLE in their own schools.

Khidar Abdullah, one of our Mentors in Pasar Puteh, first introduced how much fun it is to use Frog with their students, and then Muhammad Fitri   from Frog continued focusing on how the teachers can set up a Frog page with their students, as well as giving tips on using Frog with their students.

Kuala Krai district, is still sometimes limited by the remoteness of some of the schools,  and the lack of Internet coverage, in many parts of this vast district, however as Frog VLE appears in more schools, the teachers themselves are well prepared to implement it in their classrooms.

Libraries can be Fun

SK. Batu Mengkebang

A traditional library is often seen as a place were you simply browse through the aisles of  books, or sit down quietly reading, but in a library, student centered activities can be fun too, as demonstrated by one of the teachers we meet at SK. Batu Mengkebang.

Sometimes younger students are just starting to learn how to use a dictionary, and one game used on this particular trip to the school library, was a find  game, in groups. Once the students were divided into groups, they were given a blank piece of paper, and Mark, one of our Mentors in the Kuala Krai District, would show them a word.

 The children would then rush through their dictionaries, and the winner would be the first group who could find the word, and tell the class its meaning. Once this simple game ended, the students had a fun class in the library, and also had developed essential dictionary skills. Libraries can be fun, with the teachers at SK. Batu Mengkebang.

Sunday, 12 July 2015

The Kuala Krai District, English Fun Fair at SK. Sungai Embak

The Fun Fair Starts

The Brighton Education English Fun Fair arrived at SK. Sungai Embak, with over 140 students, and 30 plus teachers representing the schools in Kuala Krai District attending, this once in a year event.

Let the Music Begin

Scott, and Philip started the Fun Fair rolling after a representative from the school , and Francis from the local Education department welcomed the participants, with a selection of songs for the children to sing to.

Welcome to the Fair

Children then practiced their English English skills at a variety of stalls, collecting tokens to redeem prizes, once they had the right answer, whilst the teachers, and Mentors from Brighton, helped at each store.

English can be Fun

Children spun wheels, had their faces painted, guessed what was in the box, and at each stall practiced English with a smile on their faces.

We would like like to convey a special thank you to the staff, and students at SK. Sungai Embak, who helped prepare the Fun Fair, and gave us their full support in making this event, such fun for everyone involved.

A New Mini Library at SK. Chenulang

Students visiting the Mini Library

The Mini Library at SK. Chenulang has been an on-going project, which simply expanded as the teachers involved brought in new ideas about the design, and activities inside the now restored school store room.

Adly, the Schools local Artist at work

This combined effort, included Adly, a well known local artist and a teacher at the school painting a Murial, and the English department helping with creating, and organizing materials for the library.

The completed Mini Library

We would like to thank the school for their support, the teachers from the English department, and the technicians who helped turn a storeroom into a new pro-active learning area for the children.

Adly, is known for his fine batik, and oil paintings depicting  traditional life in Kelantan , so feel free to visit his Facebook page, which includes examples of his artwork.

Adly Razali

Karate during Sports Day in Gua Musang

During a recent School Sports day in Gua Musang, Anthony along with the students, demonstrated how, by practicing Martial arts like Karate can help build the confidence levels of a student, creating a Can do, attitude.

  Anthony, our Mentor in Gua Musang has a black belt in Karate, and with the help of a keen group of students, showed how to break a brick, with his bare hand, by focusing all your energies on the task, and letting your fear drift away.

After the demonstration, Anthony emphasized to the students that even the most difficult task can be possible, if you let your fear subside, and focus on a solution. Citing the examples of a Test question, or  taking part in a Spelling Bee, were actually with confidence, and the right focus you can overcome a question, which you feel is too difficult to answer.

One of the teachers said afterwards, "I am sure, the children in my class can grow in confidence, after understanding that difficult things can be overcome."

Our Ongoing Activities in June, and July

SK Batu Jong, SAL Room

One of the activities our Teachers, and Mentors enjoy is creating or beautifying areas in the school for the children to visit, and discover more about the English language. One of our current projects is to renovate both the exterior, and interior of the SAL room at SK. Batu Jong in Kuala Krai.

This large project is a continuous process, especially as the teachers in the English department at the school are limited in time, however now children can learn more English through the inter-active display outside the SAL room.

Running Dictation at SK. Batu Mengkebang

The year three students at SK. Batu Mengkebang enjoyed a 'Running Dictation,' activity before school ended for the weekend. Each group took turns to run and read a text, while another member, wrote down each part of the story. At the end of the class, the excited students, had read, spoken, and written the story posted outside their classroom.

Language Arts in Kuala Krai
Language arts is another way to interest Students in learning a language, and the children in one English class in kuala Krai, created a badge, with a message of appreciation for their friend. At the end of the class, each student had given their friend a badge of appreciation, and discovered another creative way to master English.

KSSR Songs for Children

Singing is one very active activity that can even bring the shyest student  into song, and Khidar, our Mentor in Bachok, created a web page which has a selection of songs related to the year one textbook.

Khidar hopes the teachers in Kuala Krai, and Gua Musang can use the webpage, and wishes you all, Selamat Aidul Fitri.