Kuala Krai-Gua Musang

Kuala Krai-Gua Musang
Brought to you by Brighton Education Group www.brightoneducation.org

Sunday, 12 July 2015

Our Ongoing Activities in June, and July

SK Batu Jong, SAL Room

One of the activities our Teachers, and Mentors enjoy is creating or beautifying areas in the school for the children to visit, and discover more about the English language. One of our current projects is to renovate both the exterior, and interior of the SAL room at SK. Batu Jong in Kuala Krai.

This large project is a continuous process, especially as the teachers in the English department at the school are limited in time, however now children can learn more English through the inter-active display outside the SAL room.

Running Dictation at SK. Batu Mengkebang

The year three students at SK. Batu Mengkebang enjoyed a 'Running Dictation,' activity before school ended for the weekend. Each group took turns to run and read a text, while another member, wrote down each part of the story. At the end of the class, the excited students, had read, spoken, and written the story posted outside their classroom.

Language Arts in Kuala Krai
Language arts is another way to interest Students in learning a language, and the children in one English class in kuala Krai, created a badge, with a message of appreciation for their friend. At the end of the class, each student had given their friend a badge of appreciation, and discovered another creative way to master English.